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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Well Kids...

Well kids (I mean those above the age of 21, because why else would you be here, naturally...), it looks like it will only be me posting for a while. Jameson has taken refuge in Iraq for the next year doing something with computers and non-alcoholic beer. Let us laugh in unison at him for a moment... He swears he is working for the Marines, but we all know what he is really doing... making sand castles, professionally, of course!

In attempts to keep our pet project going, I, Jeffrey Ward, have agreed to drink twice as much beer and blog two times as much... which if our track record proceeds us, will be four times this year... kidding. Anyways, I just had a get together with a lot of our friends in which I called " presents: Beer-ster Egg Hunt 2008". I bought almost 80 different varietals of beer for my guests to hunt for and enjoy! (The idea is copyrighted... don't even think about it... once again, kidding) So let's get this ball rolling, this beer drank (drunk?), and get you all trying what I thought was intriguing enough to buy!!!

The next post will actually be a beer review(s)... I promise!!! In fact, I'll give you all a head start... I purchased the "Sam Adam's Long Shot Ale 6 pack" which contains Rodney Kibzey's "Weizenbock" and Lili Hess's "Grape Pale Ale". Was it worth it? Will I be disappointed? Post coming tomorrow!!!

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