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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Budweiser. The King.

Budweiser LabelWe've all been in the situation where there's no question whether or not you'll be drinking beer. The situation where you're encouraged - no, expected, to hang with the guys. But there's often one slight problem. You walk into 31 flavors, and all they have are 31 variations on vanilla. Not exactly what you were hoping for, eh?

Now my vanilla may be different from your vanilla, but it's pretty clear what is implied here. Do yourself a favor - have a friend pour, in separate, unmarked glasses, all of the major domestic pilsner beers. I bet the only difference you'll be able to tell between them is whether it's a 'lite' beer or not. And don't give me the crap about how much Coors tastes from Miller. Only the most discerning palate can truly tell the difference. It's the genius of marketing, dear friends, that makes us believe one is so much better (well, different) than the other.

After your experiment, open a Budweiser. No, not Select, not Light. The original Budweiser. "But, the calories, Beer Genius! What'll I do? I already have enough of a 'spare tire' around my midsection!"

Let's face it. If you're worried about calories, you probably shouldn't be drinking beer anyway. You're not going to get skinny by drinking light beer. So you might as well drink real beer. And truly, there's only about a 45 calorie difference (on average) between any given original and its 'lite' variant. With that said, turn on a football game. Grab a 36 pack (yeah, they make those now!) of Bud Heavy. Get a buddy. Fire up the grill.

Forget about sophistication for one second - this beer is about enjoying beer for beer's sake. Unlike most domestics, it doesn't have to be chilled to 33 degrees (F) to be enjoyed. It has some body - didn't expect that, did ya? Taste the slightest hint of citrus. Savor the aftertaste, and you'd be surprised to find the slightest touch of honey. It's just carbonated enough to feel a bit busy. No, it's not the best beer I've ever had. But some beers aren't about being the best.

Guinness is about feeling Irish. Paulaner is about feeling German. Budweiser is about feeling American, and everything that goes with it. And you know what? I like that feeling. I like the idea of grilling meat and watching football. I like the idea of getting together with some friends and causing trouble.

Let us not forget - it's because of Anheuser-Busch that we can enjoy so many wonderful beers from all over the world. They practically invented beer pasteurization, the magic bottle/bottlecap combination, and refrigerated transport.

It may surprise you to learn that Budweiser is brewed in the traditional way. It is aged in a time-honored beechwood lagering process, and naturally carbonated. The brewmasters are obsessed with quality and consistency. They get mad when you rip on their beer. While I typically don't care for traditional American Pilsner Lagers, this one isn't half bad.

So next time you're in that beer-drinking, pretzel-eating, football-watching situation, grab the Budweiser. Savor it. Enjoy it. Because sometimes, as true beer-lovers, drinking beer just for the sake of drinking beer is what we're called to do. Friends and memories are made. And you just don't mess with the King of Beers.

Character: (13) - This one won't blow you away with its complexity. Sometimes, though, you're just looking for something simple and easy to enjoy. All the basics are here, with more bitterness in younger bottles.
Exclusivity: (20) - Again, I don't know why I have this category. Some restructuring is needed. Budweiser is easily the most widely distributed beer in the world. Props for that.
Flavor: (12) - Not a lot here. Notes of citrus and honey, with hops shining through as the beer ages a couple months beyond the bottling date (or the "Born on:" date).
Originality: (17) - One must give credit where credit is due. This one is the original, as far as I am concerned.
Versatility: (16) - I must admit, for such a glowing review, I can only handle this guy every once in awhile. However, it's cheap, and goes great with pizza.

Total: 78 of 100

Beer: Budweiser Lager (American Pilsner)
Alcoholic Content: 5% ABV
Brewed by Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, Missouri
Reviewed by: Jameson Huckaba

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Blogger The_Ryan said...

Solid. I was wondering when this would be back.

Cheers! We'll have to have some sampling sessions over break!

8:24 PM

Blogger Andy Huckaba said...

OK! This is not what I remember last time I drank a Bud. Maybe it's time to try it again. I'll let you know what I think. Sure you weren't sitting too close to the microwave when you rated this????

2:05 PM

Blogger Andrew Algren said...

I think I'll have to grab a PBR and toss up a review. I feel inspired.

12:47 AM

Blogger Andy Huckaba said...

I tried Bud again and I didn't get the enjoyment out of it that you did. Sorry! I found it to be rather tasteless and very forgettable. I did, however taste the slight citrus you mentioned. Guess my taste buds have moved on to beers with more body. Kind of like when you eat too much hot food, it's hard to go back to the bland stuff.

9:10 PM


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