La Fin Du Monde
La Fin Du Monde, or The End of the World as it is translated, absoluely assaults your tastebuds with nothing but wonderful flavor after flavor in a seemingly endless fashion. A wonderfly golden deep yellow, the color only hints at the punch of flavor this beer brings to your tastebuds. La Fin Du Monde is brewed by Unibroue in Chambly, Quebec, but you wouldn't have guessed that. Upon simple observation,you'd guess this was a Belgian beer.
Unibroue recommends a tulip glass for serving this beer, as it will allow a full flavor release as well as an appropriate sized head. And what a head it is, with wonderful suds abounding on top of the initial pour.
This beer completely floods you with a burst of flavor with every sip. I was able to pick out grapes and melons, along with a hint of spice. You could almost compare this to a sweet white wine. This is a good spring/early summer beer, with an incredibly refreshing taste. Re-fermented yeast on bottom gives it an interesting character and the triple fermentation makes it an incredibly complex beer. Let this beer sit in your fridge for several hours as to allow the yeast to settle before you pour it.
A lingering sweetness resides in your mouth and prompts you to take another sip, and eventually, another beer. This is most certainly one of the most interesting and complex beers I've come across. But at 9% ABV, take it slow. Otherwise, you may just find out why this beer is named La Fin Du Monde, or The End of the World!
Character: 19 points - One of the more unique beers I've come across - this one definitely stands out. At 9% ABV, watch yourself. The alcohol is noticeable, but just barely when stacked up against these other premium ingredients.
Exclusivity: 18 points - I have seen this beer before in select liquor stores - it's available on what I would guess is a limited basis. However, ask the guy next to you at the bar if he's tried it before, and I'd venture no. A wonderful beer, and yet easily overlooked.
Flavor: 20 points - Wow, what a bombardment of the senses. A gorgeous color, and a sip rewards you with an intense burst of fruit, a hint of spice, and sharp hops, all perfectly balanced together.
Originality: 20 points - Not a whole lot of beers like this one. I'd describe it as a wheat beer mixed with a barley wine and then tied up with an IPA without the bitterness. Certainly not something you'd run into everyday.
Versatility: 17 points - Acceptable year-round, but best in late spring/early summer. Refreshing quality. Most people would find it pleasant.
Total: 94 out of 100
Beer: La Fin Du Monde Ale (The end of the World)
Alcoholic Content: 9% ABV
Triple fermented, brewed by Unibroue in Chambly, Quebec. Belgian Style Ale.
Reviewed by: Jameson Huckaba
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I can't wait to try it! I think I'll stop at 1 beer though.
Do you have any other beers that could act as a comparison to this beer?
7:39 PM
Really, no. It's unlike anything I've tried before. Give it a shot and let me know what you think!
Jameson Huckaba - Beer Genius
7:50 PM
Hey Genius, nice review. I started with Belgian beers many years ago, but nearly fell off of my chair when I found Unibroue's beers right here in my back yard (I'm currently a Montrealer) - actually, I first discovered these in NYC, which highlights the international appeal of these beers. Nice site, cheers!
9:03 PM
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